Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Niger River
Sahel Desert
“Sahel.” Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia.2010. Grolier Online. 8 Feb 2010
Sahara Desert
Fowler, Gary L. “Sahara.” Grolier Multimedia.2010. Grolier Online. 8 Feb
Lake Victoria
Atlas Mountains
Kalahari Desert
South Africa
Tropical Rain Forest

Lake Tanganyika
Nile River
Congo River


Today I visited Kenya. Kenya is located on the equator on the continents east coast. Kenya is bordered by Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Somalia, and Tanzania. It is also bordered by the Indian Ocean and Lake Victoria. The capital of Kenya is Nairobi. Less than 10% of the land in Kenya is arable. Even though one of Kenya's main industries is agriculture. Most of the farmers grow crops for their own needs. Tourism is another main industry. Tourism and agriculture make the main thing Kenya's economy needs. They create money that is used to buy foreign goods. Kenya is known for its scenic beauty. Wow! Does it live up to its expectations. These views attract thousands of annual visitors. Kenya is also known for its diverse wild life. Animals you can find in Kenya include lions, elephants giraffes, leopards, and many others. Kenya is a truly beautiful and magical place. I hope to visit Kenya again when I am older.

South Africa

Today I visited South Africa. Unlike most countries South Africa has three capitals. Pretoria is the executive capital. Bloemfontein is the judicial capital. Cape Town is the legislative capital. Some people know South Africa as the "Rainbow Nation." People may know it as this because, the people come from over 30 different ethnic groups. South Africa is one of the richest countries in Africa, but it also faces problems within the country. Over half the nation lives in poverty. Nearly 6 million people in South Africa have HIV/AIDS. Almost a thousand die from it every day. South Africa is the main producer of gold and diamonds. I went to Kruger National Park Today, and man was that a blast! You can see any kinds of animals ranging from an alligator to an Ellephant! There were leopards, giraffes, lions, monkeys, rhinos, and more! If you are ever looking for a new animal go to Kruger National Park it has every animal I can think of! Being in South Africa was amazing, and another adventure in Africa! Everyone would love to be here with me going through out Africa and discovering new things. Now I am of to a new exciting place.


Today I visited Egypt. Egypt is located on the northeastern corner of the continent of Africa. Egypt also occupies the Sinai Peninsula. The capital of Egypt is Cairo. 99%of the Egyptian population only lives on 3.5% of the land in Egypt. Most of the population live in the Nile River valley and its delta. Egypt is bordered by Sudan and Libya. It is also bordered by the Mediterranean and Red Seas. One physical feature that is my personal favorite is the pyramids and sphinx of Giza. The pyramids and sphinx of Giza are the coolest things I have ever seen(left) The pyramids were tombs for kings and queens. They were built in the 4th dynasty, and to have a pyramid tomb was an honor. Over 93 pyramids are in Egypt, but those in Giza are the most famous. The real mystery to me about them is how did the ancient Egyptians manage to create such masterpieces. When your in Egypt every time you turn around to find something new and exciting that is just waiting for you to discover it. In the future I hope to come back to Egypt with my family and friends. This has been yet another wonderful experience in Africa.


Today I visited Nigeria. Nigeria is the most populous counrty in Africa. It is also one of the most politically significant countries in Africa. Nigeria has an extremely rich diversity. Nigeria is known to be diverse because of its many cultures, art and music styles, history, and its physical features. It is located on the southern coast of western Africa. It is bordered by Niger, Chad, Cameroon, and Benin. The capital of Nigeria is Abuja. Abuja is located near the center of the country. The nation of Nigeria is oil rich, but still faces many problems in the current century. While I was in Abuja I noticed a building with four large towers higher than any other building. Later I realized what I saw was the Nigerian National Mosque. A mosque is a place of worship for muslims. This building is pictured on the left. The inside of the mosque is just gorgeous. This also pictured on the left. Nigeria is a country of mixed cultures which make it unique!

Kalahari Desert

Visiting the Kalahari Desert was one hot experience, literally! Me and a tour guide took a jeep through the western part of the Kalahari Desert. I was suprised to see some plants and grass there. The Kalahari Desert covers about 360,000 miles. It is located in southern Africa. Long chains of crescent-shaped dunes cover the entire western part of the desert. Despite the fact that it doesn't rain much in deserts, the Kalahari has a well developed amount of plant life. Animal life in the Kalahari is diverse. The animals that you might find here in the Kalahari desert are springbok, wildebeest, and oryx. One animal I saw the most on my trip was the meerkat. These cute little "fellas" make there home in the Kalahari Desert. There homes are interconnected burrows and tunnels underneath the sandy soil. What I thought was most unusual is something thetour guide told me. He said that meerkats share burrows with african ground squirrels. Meerkats eat insects and birds. They also eat small eggs, lizards, and snakes. Some people live in the Kalahari desert. These people that live in the desert speak Bantu. Bantu is a language that is made up of 400 closely related languages. The Kalahari is bustling with activity!

Atlas Mountains

Today, I went on a helicopter tour of the Atlas Mountains. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. The Atlas Mountains are located in Morocco and Tunisia. In Morocco the mountains are also known as High or Grand Atlas. Toubkal is the highest peak on the Atlas Mountains. The peak measures over 13,665 feet!!!! This peak is so high that snow forms on the tops of it. This peak is climbable though. The Atlas Mountains provides a route between the Sahara Desert and the coast line. The Atlas Mountain slopes are all covered with dense forests. These forests contain cedar, pine, cork, and oak trees. The valleys in between the mountains are fertile. There are also tracks of pasture for grazing livestock. In these mountains are valuable mineral deposits. These deposits include gold, silver, lead, zinc, iron, manganese, antimony, and phosphates. In the mountains there are also petroleum reserves. As you can probably tell the Atlas Mountains are of diverse nature. Aamazing things these mountains are! This helicopter tour was so cool being able to see some of the wonders of the world from the sky! Yet another adventure in Africa!