Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Sahel Desert

Another beautiful desert in Africa is the Sahel Desert. It is smaller than the Sahara desert, but equally as beautiful. The Sahel is also facing major desertification; the Sahara could take over the Sahel in a few years. The Sahel is located in western Africa, and is a semiarid area. The agriculture capacity here is limited, because of its 8-month dry season. However, during the rainy season there are low tender grasses that cattle can graze on. It rains more here than it does in the Sahara, here it rains 4-24 inches yearly. Just because it rains in the Sahel doesn't mean that it doesn't face water shortages. The Sahel and its people have faced devastating water shortages and droughts throughout the years. The Sahel ecosystem hasn't yet recovered from the drought of 1968-1974. If the ecosystem can't recover soon there is bad news. Species of animals will start dying because of the lack of water. Then other animals that eat those animals will die because of food and water shortage. Then it will become a domino effect. Many animals can be found in the Sahel, but I saw camels the most. You can find camels in the Sahel. Nomads in the Sahel use camels to travel around the desert. The Sahel is a natural beuty in its own way. Again I wish my family could be here with me. It truly is a breathtaking experience.

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