Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Niger River
Sahel Desert
“Sahel.” Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia.2010. Grolier Online. 8 Feb 2010
Sahara Desert
Fowler, Gary L. “Sahara.” Grolier Multimedia.2010. Grolier Online. 8 Feb
Lake Victoria
Atlas Mountains
Kalahari Desert
South Africa
Tropical Rain Forest

Lake Tanganyika
Nile River
Congo River


Today I visited Kenya. Kenya is located on the equator on the continents east coast. Kenya is bordered by Ethiopia, Sudan, Uganda, Somalia, and Tanzania. It is also bordered by the Indian Ocean and Lake Victoria. The capital of Kenya is Nairobi. Less than 10% of the land in Kenya is arable. Even though one of Kenya's main industries is agriculture. Most of the farmers grow crops for their own needs. Tourism is another main industry. Tourism and agriculture make the main thing Kenya's economy needs. They create money that is used to buy foreign goods. Kenya is known for its scenic beauty. Wow! Does it live up to its expectations. These views attract thousands of annual visitors. Kenya is also known for its diverse wild life. Animals you can find in Kenya include lions, elephants giraffes, leopards, and many others. Kenya is a truly beautiful and magical place. I hope to visit Kenya again when I am older.

South Africa

Today I visited South Africa. Unlike most countries South Africa has three capitals. Pretoria is the executive capital. Bloemfontein is the judicial capital. Cape Town is the legislative capital. Some people know South Africa as the "Rainbow Nation." People may know it as this because, the people come from over 30 different ethnic groups. South Africa is one of the richest countries in Africa, but it also faces problems within the country. Over half the nation lives in poverty. Nearly 6 million people in South Africa have HIV/AIDS. Almost a thousand die from it every day. South Africa is the main producer of gold and diamonds. I went to Kruger National Park Today, and man was that a blast! You can see any kinds of animals ranging from an alligator to an Ellephant! There were leopards, giraffes, lions, monkeys, rhinos, and more! If you are ever looking for a new animal go to Kruger National Park it has every animal I can think of! Being in South Africa was amazing, and another adventure in Africa! Everyone would love to be here with me going through out Africa and discovering new things. Now I am of to a new exciting place.


Today I visited Egypt. Egypt is located on the northeastern corner of the continent of Africa. Egypt also occupies the Sinai Peninsula. The capital of Egypt is Cairo. 99%of the Egyptian population only lives on 3.5% of the land in Egypt. Most of the population live in the Nile River valley and its delta. Egypt is bordered by Sudan and Libya. It is also bordered by the Mediterranean and Red Seas. One physical feature that is my personal favorite is the pyramids and sphinx of Giza. The pyramids and sphinx of Giza are the coolest things I have ever seen(left) The pyramids were tombs for kings and queens. They were built in the 4th dynasty, and to have a pyramid tomb was an honor. Over 93 pyramids are in Egypt, but those in Giza are the most famous. The real mystery to me about them is how did the ancient Egyptians manage to create such masterpieces. When your in Egypt every time you turn around to find something new and exciting that is just waiting for you to discover it. In the future I hope to come back to Egypt with my family and friends. This has been yet another wonderful experience in Africa.


Today I visited Nigeria. Nigeria is the most populous counrty in Africa. It is also one of the most politically significant countries in Africa. Nigeria has an extremely rich diversity. Nigeria is known to be diverse because of its many cultures, art and music styles, history, and its physical features. It is located on the southern coast of western Africa. It is bordered by Niger, Chad, Cameroon, and Benin. The capital of Nigeria is Abuja. Abuja is located near the center of the country. The nation of Nigeria is oil rich, but still faces many problems in the current century. While I was in Abuja I noticed a building with four large towers higher than any other building. Later I realized what I saw was the Nigerian National Mosque. A mosque is a place of worship for muslims. This building is pictured on the left. The inside of the mosque is just gorgeous. This also pictured on the left. Nigeria is a country of mixed cultures which make it unique!

Kalahari Desert

Visiting the Kalahari Desert was one hot experience, literally! Me and a tour guide took a jeep through the western part of the Kalahari Desert. I was suprised to see some plants and grass there. The Kalahari Desert covers about 360,000 miles. It is located in southern Africa. Long chains of crescent-shaped dunes cover the entire western part of the desert. Despite the fact that it doesn't rain much in deserts, the Kalahari has a well developed amount of plant life. Animal life in the Kalahari is diverse. The animals that you might find here in the Kalahari desert are springbok, wildebeest, and oryx. One animal I saw the most on my trip was the meerkat. These cute little "fellas" make there home in the Kalahari Desert. There homes are interconnected burrows and tunnels underneath the sandy soil. What I thought was most unusual is something thetour guide told me. He said that meerkats share burrows with african ground squirrels. Meerkats eat insects and birds. They also eat small eggs, lizards, and snakes. Some people live in the Kalahari desert. These people that live in the desert speak Bantu. Bantu is a language that is made up of 400 closely related languages. The Kalahari is bustling with activity!

Atlas Mountains

Today, I went on a helicopter tour of the Atlas Mountains. It was one of the most memorable experiences of my life. The Atlas Mountains are located in Morocco and Tunisia. In Morocco the mountains are also known as High or Grand Atlas. Toubkal is the highest peak on the Atlas Mountains. The peak measures over 13,665 feet!!!! This peak is so high that snow forms on the tops of it. This peak is climbable though. The Atlas Mountains provides a route between the Sahara Desert and the coast line. The Atlas Mountain slopes are all covered with dense forests. These forests contain cedar, pine, cork, and oak trees. The valleys in between the mountains are fertile. There are also tracks of pasture for grazing livestock. In these mountains are valuable mineral deposits. These deposits include gold, silver, lead, zinc, iron, manganese, antimony, and phosphates. In the mountains there are also petroleum reserves. As you can probably tell the Atlas Mountains are of diverse nature. Aamazing things these mountains are! This helicopter tour was so cool being able to see some of the wonders of the world from the sky! Yet another adventure in Africa!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Lake Victoria

Lake Victoria is also known as Victoria Nyanz. Lake Victoria is the largest lake in Africa. Visiting here was amazing! This lake is in three different countries being Tanzania, Uganda, and Kenya. Lake Victoria has over 2,000 miles of coastline! The lake contains over 200 species of fish. These fish are major contributions to the economy. All fish are exported out of the country by local fishermen. The cichlid species is also found in Lake Victoria. The lake drains into Kavirondo Gulf through a narrow strait. The Kavirondo Gulf is about 16 miles long. The Kagera River is one of the largest, and most important contributors to Lake Victoria. In the lake it is possible to find archipelagos.Archipelagos are small islands. It is also possible to find small reefs just below the water's surface. On Lake Victoria there is a densely populated island called Ukerewe. This island is one of the largest on the lake. The lake has 62 other islands on it. This lake is truly amazing!


Lake Tanganyika

The lake I visited was the coolest lake I have ever seen. Lake Tanganyika is located in east-central Africa. Lake Tanaganyika is located in the Great Rift Valley. This lake is the second largest lake in Africa. It is also the second deepest in the world. The lake is bordered by Tanzania on the west side. On the east side it is bordered by the Democratic Republic of Congo. In the North it is bordered by Burundi. The south side is covered by Zambia. Overall the lake is navigable, so it is often used for transportation. The shores of the lake is very important. The shore lines support rice plantations. This lake contains many fish and animal species. One species in particular is the cichlid fish. This fish is a perchlike fresh water fish found in Lake Tanganyika. This lake was used for slave trade during the 19th century.

The Nile River

I just visited the longest river in Africa and the world!! The Nile river is 4,132 miles long. The river flows in the general direction north and empties into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile is very important to the people here in Egypt. It provides water for their crops. Crops such as The Nile river is home to the largest crocodile in Africa, the Nile crocodile!! Other reptiles that you can find in the Nile are the soft-shelled turtle and lizards. 15 species of venomous snakes can also be found here. It is also home to many fish like Nile Perch, catfish, eel, lungfish, mudfish, and tiger fish. The Nile perch can get up 175 pounds! That is one big fish. There is one insect that you have to be aware of while you are there. The tsetse fly is a large biting fly that lives off of animals blood and vertebrae. Luckily I was accopanied by an experienced guide. The area around the river was so beautiful and exotic. We passed a Nile Crocodile, and that was the scariest moment of my life! Well, not really, but pretty close to it. Such a breath taking place to be, it will never get old. Every where you look you see somehting new! I wish i could come here every day!

The Niger River

The Niger River is the third longest river in Africa. It is about 2,600 miles long, and is located in West Africa. The river flows in an arc shape to the northeast. It enters Mali and comes toward the edge of the Sahara Desert. It reaches as far up as the ancient city of Timbuktu, Mali. The river turns southeastward and goes through western Niger to Nigeria and continues southward. The river empties into the Gulf of Guinea west of Port Harcourt. This river is a source of irrigation and hydroelectric power. It is said to be the lifeline of Mali. This river is where 100,000 tons of fish is produced. Many animals can be found in and around the waters of the Niger River. The hippopotamus, and at least three types of crocodiles can be found here. There are many varieties of lizards, birds, and fish. Edible dish caught in the river include catfish, carp, and Nile perch. These creatures are not rare in the river they are seen often. Most of the activity on the river is commercial shipping. The ships carry exports like millet, sorghum, corn, and rice. This river is used mostly for industrial reasons, but is still a natural wonder. My family would love it here!

Monday, February 8, 2010

The Congo River

Today I rode a canoe down the Congo River. This river is the second longest river in Africa, and the fifth longest in the world. The river is divided into the upper, middle, and lower Congo River. The Upper Congo consists of the southeast headwaters, greatly the Lualaba, along with the Luvua and Lukuga west of Lake Tanganyika. These streams widen in numerous places to form lakes like Lake Bangweulu and Lake Mweru. At other places the river narrows and drops, creating rapids and waterfalls that prevent transportation. The Middle Congo begins at Kisangani and flows more than 1,600 kilometers or 1,000 miles to the Chenal. The Chenal is a narrow channel located 35 kilometers or 22 miles northeast of Kinshasa. This part of the river is accessable, and its flow is made larger due to waters from the Ubangi, Sangha, and Kwa tributaries. The Lower Congo begins at the Chenal, where the river separates into two parts to form a large, swampy lake called Malebo Pool. Immediately downstream, the Congo narrows and is ended by rapids and waterfalls. The river's elevation drops 275 meters or 900 feet in about 320 kilometers or 200 miles, making long-distance transportation impossible between the pool and the Atlantic Ocean. The head of transportation for boats going into the ocean is the port of Matadi, about 140 kilometers or 90 miles from the Atlantic in Congo-Kinshasa.

The Tropical Rain Forest

We just visited a tropical rain forest in Africa.Tropical Rain Forests are very important places. They only cover about 7% of the world. Though their numbers are small, they contain more than 50% of all the worlds plant and animals species. Rain forests can be known as the "lungs" of the planet. They are known as this because, they give off a great deal of oxygen, and they absorb carbon dioxide. The temperature never falls under 77 degrees Fahrenheit. Anywhere from 2 to 9 meters can fall in a rain forest each year. The rain forest is commonly divided in three layers, the canopy, the understory, and the forest floor. The canopy is the top of the forest this is where vines and plants grow. Also the canopy contains the majority of living things. The understory has shorter trees and ferns along with the animals that live in them. The forest floor, where we walked, had fungi and bacteria that slowly broke down the leaves that fall. After the leaves are broken down they are turned into nutrients that are sucked up by plants and trees to help them flourish. Most of the nutrients made are used up in the canopy, causing the soil to be very poor. The dead plant matter on the forest floor helps support bugs and animals.One thing that I saw on my adventure through the forest was deforestation. Deforestation is being caused by industries like logging, mining, farming, and grazing animals. What is worse is that scientists say that every fifteen minutes a rain forest species goes extinct because of deforestation. Rain forests contain many important resources,some plants in the rain forests can even be used for medicine. These forests are beautiful, lush, and green place. People should not be allowed to destroy them.

The Savanna

I went on a safari throughout the savanna today. During the safari I saw the most animals I have ever seen in one day. I heard many noises that you can hear on this link. The largest savannas in the world are found in Africa. The most well known savanna is the Serengeti, in Tanzania. Summers in the savanna last 6 to 8 months, and they are very wet and rainy. The savanna can get up to 130 centimeters of rain every year. This rain can come down in just a two or three week time period. The rain collects in ponds. These ponds provide water to animals during the winter seasons. Over 40% of the animals in the savanna are mammals. During the winter seasons the vegetation throughout the savanna becomes very dry and flammable. This causes current wild fires. Wildfires are one of the main reasons trees in the savanna are so scarce. After a wildfire grass grows back quickly, but on the other hand trees do not. This safari was fun, dangerous, and extremely exciting. I wish I could do this every day. I have plenty of photos to show my family and friends.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Sahel Desert

Another beautiful desert in Africa is the Sahel Desert. It is smaller than the Sahara desert, but equally as beautiful. The Sahel is also facing major desertification; the Sahara could take over the Sahel in a few years. The Sahel is located in western Africa, and is a semiarid area. The agriculture capacity here is limited, because of its 8-month dry season. However, during the rainy season there are low tender grasses that cattle can graze on. It rains more here than it does in the Sahara, here it rains 4-24 inches yearly. Just because it rains in the Sahel doesn't mean that it doesn't face water shortages. The Sahel and its people have faced devastating water shortages and droughts throughout the years. The Sahel ecosystem hasn't yet recovered from the drought of 1968-1974. If the ecosystem can't recover soon there is bad news. Species of animals will start dying because of the lack of water. Then other animals that eat those animals will die because of food and water shortage. Then it will become a domino effect. Many animals can be found in the Sahel, but I saw camels the most. You can find camels in the Sahel. Nomads in the Sahel use camels to travel around the desert. The Sahel is a natural beuty in its own way. Again I wish my family could be here with me. It truly is a breathtaking experience.

Friday, February 5, 2010

The Sahara Desert

Today I visited one of the largest most beautiful natural deserts in northern Africa... The Sahara Desert!! What most people don't know is that its name actually comes from the Arabic word "desert." Some people may think that visiting a desert isn't very fun, but the wildlife here is amazing!! The snakes are a little scary I have to admit, but with my boots on I was safe. The Sahara alone has 95 species of reptiles. Mostly consisting of snakes, lizards, and tortoises. Some people say the Sahara is big but try 3,475,000 miles on for size.I could see it a million times,and it would still take my breath away. Today ten different states in Africa share the Sahara Desert. Those states are Morocco, Tunisia, Mali, Niger, Chad, Sudan, Libya, Egypt, and Mauritania. Since it is a desert it only gets about 100 to 200 millimeters of rain each year, that's only 4 to 8 inches!! There is little vegetation in the Sahara, but the little that is there can live without much water. The Sahara is rich in mineral resources. One thing in particular that I saw in the Sahara is desertification. Even though it is a desert the areas around it aren't. Areas around the Sahara are turning to desert as well. Desertification is getting worse,and the Sahara is slowly growing larger. The ten countries that share the Sahara desert should do something to keep the Sahara contained. The Sahara is so amazing, and I wish my family could be here to see it.